I just submitted an event to run a session of Metamorphosis Alpha at UCon in November.
If you don’t plan to attend UCon, I am trying to get some play testers to make sure my planned content flows and that there is enough to fill four hours. I have a game scheduled for Friday, September 11, from 7:00 PM – Midnight Eastern. I use Roll20 and Google Hangouts. If possible, I would like to set a time to get characters created before then.
If you are interested in playing Friday, let me know, and I will send you an invite to the Hangout and the Roll20 campaign. I have one player lined up for Friday, and others who previously indicated interest. I need 5 more players, and can run it with two or more, but more is better.
With sufficient interest, I can run it again on Saturday. I will have room for six players.
My plan is to make this a regular campaign, but the more immediate need is to play test this scenario. I haven’t ran Metamorphosis Alpha or played it in over 30 years, so I need just a bit of a refresher before attempting this at a con.
Come by the Tekumel Track: I’ll be running two games, and the rest are definitely worth playing as well. We should meet for a beer.
I’m heading over Thursday after work, so I’ll be there all weekend. I’m looking forward to lots of gaming! Plus catching up with friends, and making new ones.