
I’m on Patreon!


You can also help out by using the Affiliate Links in the left sidebar to buy your RPG products and dice.

Patreons I Support:

Below is a list of the Patreons I support and recommend that you do too!

PatreonWhat they do:WebsiteTwitter
Dyson LogosAwesome maps! Also character sheets & other RPG art.RPGCharacters.wordpress.comDyson Logos
Deven RueAwesome maps & other awesome art!RueInk.comDeven Rue
Dorks Of Yore/Pat KilbaneThe RPG History Project (A D&D Documentary)Dorks of Yore on FB
Satine PhoenixAmbassador to the hobby. Working on a book about how D&D helped with PTSDSatine PhoenixSatine Phoenix
Inkwell IdeasMakers of Worldographer, Hexographer, Cityographer, Dungeonographer and more.Inkwell IdeasInkwell Ideas
Wizard Thief FighterCreating UVG RPG.Wizard Thief FighterWizard Thief Fighter
Gothridge ManorCreates Mini Adventures and NPC CardsGothridge ManorGothridge Manor
Tabletop AudioSounds effects & music for TTRPGs and storytelling.Tabletop AudioTabletop Audio
TJ DrennonBumpers and Songs for Podcasts. Also composes theme songs.
Tell Me About Your CharacterDEFUNCT Podcast where guests talk about their favorite character.Tell Me About Your CharacterTell Me About Your character
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Ramblings of an Old Gamer