Vampire Hunters

Way back in high school, we went through a phase, maybe it was only one weekend’s activity where our characters in AD&D were vampire hunters.

The thing is, we were all first level. We took a page out of the movies and waited until daytime, on clear sunny day,s and would enter the lair, rip open the coffin, and drive a stake in their heart. If we won the surprise roll or the initiative roll, AND we rolled high enough, we plunged the stake into the vampire’s heart and defeated him. If we missed, one of us was an instant vampirical minion, since a vampire drains 2 levels, a first level character couldn’t take a hit.

I don’t know how many vampires we killed, but there were several, and I don’t remember anyone becoming a vampire. I think we advanced in levels quickly, so that we could take at least one hit, LOL.

While I think using a house rule that one could kill a vampire in this way, it should require that there be minions and other precautions a vampire takes to protect his or her most vulnerable times.

Also why are all vampires simply level drainers who make more vampires? What about NPCs who are wizards or illusionists who have other abilities, or henchmen with such abilities to thwart or delay the plans of PCs who are vampire hunters?

I know their are vampires in my brother’s current campaign. I know that some current players would be facing them. I am sure it will not be easy.

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