Tenkar’s Tavern is hosting the OSR Superstar Contest.
There are three stages. If you make the cut of the first stage you move on to the second stage.
The first stage involves submitting a magic item. You can submit up to three of them. Don’t post it on the blog, it will be disqualified, it must be emailed to the specified address. The deadline is “Sunday, February 16th, at 1PM Eastern (NYC) Time.”
I have decided to participate. So far, I have two magic items sketched out in pretty good detail. You have to use the Swords and Wizardry rules, so I am having to refer back to those. I can do AD&D without a lot of thought and just for specifics. At least it will be flexible to work with any OSR like rule set.
If you make the cut with the magic items, next is a monster.
If you make it to the third round you must use an assigned dungeon map to craft an adventure using the magic item and monster.

I just submitted my three magic item ideas. Prior to my submissions there were already 252 magic items submitted. Wow! I have a feeling that I really only did this for the EXPERIENCE. It would be cool to make it to round two as I already have my monster submission. If we get more than one, then I have some work to do, should I make it that far.