I read the Swords and Wizardry Quick Start, White Box, and Complete Rules just to make sure the three magic items that I submitted to the OSR Superstar Contest were according to the rules of the contest.
I found the rules to be well organized and easy to start using them.
I am tempted to make them the go to rules and tweak with stuff from AD&D, like spells, monsters, etc.
I like the simplicity of classes. I don’t like the level limitations of non-Human characters and the class restrictions. This is the same balk I have with AD&D. No problem, HOUSE RULES TIME!
I like that the system strives to keep the ability to customize and encourages it!
I have joined the Swords & Wizardry Discussion Group to keep up with ideas of others.
I see it beneficial to have these rules, which are freely available, should I ever get an online campaign going, others will need the rules.
I like the S&W SRD and it’s ideas, and I like the generators for NPCs, NPCs in taverns, and treasure map generator. Simple tools to fill in gaps fast.
I recommend this system and I would gladly play these rules, since they are so close to my “home” rules.
Well, I have spent so much time blogging and updating this Google+ page and collecting information, etc. that I am behind on direct work on my campaign.