Jerks are a common theme in RPGs. Whether the DM is a jerk or a given player is a jerk, can ruin a session or a game. If the DM is always a jerk, he will have a hard time finding and keeping players. If a player is a jerk, he will have a hard time finding a DM and group of players that will put up with him.
Back in the old days, it was usually the nerds getting away from the jocks who were jerks, but there were some players who could fill that role all to well.
Within role playing, a character or NPC can be a jerk. It adds to the realism when the NPC with information is a jerk and you have to play “that game” as you role play the interaction between the player character(s) and NPC(s).
May all the jerks in your life only be in the context of role playing and all in having fun; and not the kind that suck the joy out of life.