Maps are a valuable tool in RPGs. They can be maps of a world and its continents, geography, political divisions, and dungeons. Or for a science fiction RPG can be a map of the star sector and the planets round there that players explore.
The most iconic map is the dungeon map as made famous by D&D.
Usually, the dungeon map is a map of the place the characters will explore. Usually, only the DM ever gets to see the dungeon map. The players may or may not have to map the dungeon, depending on how the DM wants to do things. If the dungeon is mapped, one player is designated the mapper and must draw a map from the verbal description of the DM. Most often this is done using graph paper.
Other types of maps analogous to the dungeon, might be above ground ruins, or a cave complex, or an adventure in a town or city.
Players may only get a glimpse of the world map in a D&D setting, but in a science fiction setting, they can look out the window and see the planet, or access a map easily enough.
In a fantasy RPG a treasure map is the best kind of map, assuming the player’s can read it and find the treasure to which it points. If they find the location, is the treasure still there?