I took pictures of the cosplayers and boot people that caught my eye. Far from all of them. I left before the parade and costume contest. Many were so well done it looked like they went home after last GenCon and set to work.
There were very few slave Leias. 🙁 Some were obvious comic book or manga/anime style characters, I just don’t know anything about those characters.
This knight has a cool outfit, not sure what video game or comic it is from. Catwoman had a well done costume.

Very well done Ghostbuster costume.

The line to the vendor room started a couple hours early. I found a bench against the wall so I could be comfortable.

This was one of two guys around a model cannon for a company selling a battle game. I didn’t catch the name.

This young woman was attracting attention to a game product. I didn’t catch its name.

This young woman’s contacts made her eyes look very red. Unfortunately, my cellphone camera did not do them justice. 🙁

I remember when this came out in 1983, Dragon’s Lair – the first arcade game on laser disc.

Have you ever seen a Storm Trooper in a Kilt?

I thought this was a cool idea and well executed.