Politically Correct Monster Designations

So called political correctness can be taken too far. I am bald, so I can talk about that without insulting other people (Well, it’s the internet, so probably not.).

Bald has been called follically challenged. Short has been called vertically challenged. Many so-called politically correct terms are so ridiculous as to avoid calling a spade a shovel. Often one has no idea what someone is talking about.

Monster, should be “life form”, “being”, “entity”, or “creature”. To call something monstrous is a value judgement.

For example, a rust monster should be referred to as an oxidation enhancing creature.

Undead should be called life challenged.

Vampires should be called hemoglobin deficient.

This is a good exercise to get the creative juices flowing. Try to do it without a dictionary, thesaurus, or the internet, just the terms that pop into your head. While such new names for creatures may not be used in play, it gives an added description or new way of looking at them, perhaps a way to understand the motivations of the creatures that are not mentally challenged.

Skeletons and zombies in D&D are the robots of the fantasy world, constructs that don’t know or care. Similar constructs without a will of their own, won’t know or care, their only motivation is their last command. Low or non-intelligent creatures’ motivations may only be food, shelter, and procreation. But just because they don’t have language, doesn’t mean you can’t give them a neutral and unoffensive name.

Have fun with it and be creative, please share your best ones.

Isometric Pads

I follow +Dyson Logos and his maps. The other day, he mentioned that he got his isometric graph paper pads as a gift from Lee Valley Tools. It is a Canadian based company I had not heard of, but I ordered three pads and they arrived yesterday. I am just now writing about them and getting the pictures posted.

The brand is a Canadian brand called Veritas. The first page is the start of the pad of sheets and not a slick cover like some pads of paper might have.

In the top left corner, each page has “From the workbench of” and below it “date”. The original design is for use in a workshop. I can see how this would help design woodworking and other projects in 3-D.

I had a very basic introduction to “drafting” in 7th grade shop. We use 5 squares per inch graph paper to do block lettering and draw cubes in three dimensions. I would have had to take a specialize class if I wanted to do real drafting. It is a dying skill to draft on paper, and for making maps, I wouldn’t mind knowing the right way to do it.

Oh, well, I have rulers, and some templates and a compass, so for my use, I can have fun.

I really like the 3-D look one can get with these. My whole reason for buying Ravenloft when it came out was the isometric maps. I also like the Dungeoneer Survival Guide and it’s instructions on how to make your own isometric maps from regular graph paper, or to use the sample images on a photocopier.

I’m still getting settled in to working at home, but things are falling into place, so perhaps I can start practicing, and coming up with something of my own to share. If nothing else, I’ll have fun with it, and come up with something good enough for use in my own games.

I like the big ziplock bag the three pads came in. The box is big enough for more than double the three pads I ordered. I don’t see me needing more than 150 sheets. That’s a LOT of drawing!

Unboxing Isometric Pads
Unboxing Isometric Pads
Fancy Ziplock Bag
Fancy Ziplock Bag
Label on each sheet
Label on each sheet

Platinum Does Not Corrode

Platinum has come up in the weekly Wednesday online game I play in. I got to thinking about it and used some Google-fu to ask if platinum corrodes or tarnishes.

The Wikipedia page on platinum gives the lowdown, and it is among the least reactive metals. So unlike silver that tarnishes, it will retain a silvery sheen in nearly all circumstances. (Yes, I know that’s not what the title of the article says.)

Likewise, gold does not tarnish or corrode easily.

Copper turns green over time, thus the green shad of the Statue of Liberty. Brass and bronze, alloys of copper tend to darken over time. Bronze is copper and tin, and the process of making bronze is not toxic. Brass is copper and zinc, and its manufacture results in zinc oxide, which is toxic. Bronze and brass can turn dark from exposure to sulfur or green from exposure to oxygen. Only regular care to keep it clean will prevent it from changing color.

I am not sure where I read it in the past year, but bronze weapons are sharpened by hammering, not by a whetstone, like iron and steel. Also bronze weapons that get bent in use, can somewhat easily be straightened without damage to the tool. Skallagim has a video using a modern bronze sword that shows just how tough they are.

Wikipedia’s article on bronze says that some speculate that a disruption in the tin trade lead to the increased use of iron.

I’m not saying you need to have a background in chemistry to give an accurate description of the condition of a treasure hoard of mixed metals, but knowing how various metals behave and their coloration can help add to the description. Players that don’t know that platinum is very resistant to tarnishing and corroding, will think there is something extra special about the silvery metal that is not corroded, perhaps thinking it is magical, until they learn otherwise.

Of course, the mythical metals of mithril and adamantium are corrosion resistant. Will players mistake platinum for such metals? What is the distinguishing color of mithril and adamantium? Mithril looks like silver and is stronger than steel. Adamantium is described as various colors depending on the source, from jet black to silver. Decide what color these things are in your world, if they exist in your world.

Adamant is a term from the same Greek root for diamond and often referred to diamonds. Marvel comics used it to describe Wolverine’s metal and other metal in the Marvel universe.

Adamantine refers to real minerals.

So whether you worry about the real behavior of real metals, there are some interesting descriptions that can be used in game.

Latest From Amazon – Desk Pads and Wiz Dice

Last Monday a new package arrived from Amazon with three Tops Quadrille Desk Pads and a package of 100+ Wiz Dice.

I wrote about the quadrille desk pad I once had when I shared the map of a town, for a character in my brother’s campaign. I was reminded of this by the Dungeon Deskpad Kickstarter. I had been toying with the idea of getting quad ruled desk pads for over a year, and I decided to get them, and to joining the Dungeon Deskpad Kickstarter. Once I get my overseas shipment I will take pictures to compare..

The brand of desk pads I got are the Tops. Each is individually wrapped in plastic. They were the least expensive. They are not all square and not all the same exact size. That’s OK. I plan on using them for mapping out an abandoned ancient city/megadungeon. I can also use a sheet for a single sheet map of the town that is the current home base of the players in my campaign. The rough map I have for the town of Larenda is two quad ruled sheets taped together. I can even get a roll of clear plastic “shelf-paper”, and laminate some of these sheets for a quick and cheap dry erase surface. I usually only use maps and such to show relative position. Even if it is an exercise only for me, it will be fun. The one draw back to paper this size for maps is that it is too big for my scanners. I will have o do better than a quick picture with my cellphone. I’ll have to put my cheap camera on one of my cheap tripods, to get good pictures for online.

02TopsPad-Closeup 03TopsPad-Back 01DeskPads&Dice

After ordering the two sets of Koplow Who Knew Dice that arrived last week, I ran across an article on Imagur about Wiz Dice and their bag of 100+ dice vs. the Chessex Pound’O Dice, and I ordered the Wiz Dice based on that article. I am always needing more d4’s and d8’s in play. The Wiz Dice 100+ pack includes a fancy drawstring bag with complete matched seven dice set. I ended up with 103 dice plus the set in the bag, for 110 new dice. I received 15 of each die, except for the d12 and d20, which I received 14 of each of those. So I ended up with 14 matched sets of seven dice, 15 counting the drawstring bad, and one partial set missing the d12 and d20. I have matched sets of solid colors and then the “gem” style dice of the same color: green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and red. Then a solid black, swirled black, and a white set. I have one complete orange set and the other orange set is incomplete. I don’t think most people get that many matched sets. I think it is cool that I have enough dice for 15 players from one order of dice, not counting how many ever sets I had before.

One idea I had with this package of dice is making multiple dice tables using different colors of the same die. For example, if I need a table for 14 different results of a d20, or 15 results of a d8, I can do it.

Magic missile is resolved quicker with more d4’s. Lots of monsters taking their attack is resolved quicker with more d20’s.

Blue is my favorite color, but in dice, I find black and red to be my preference. For some reason, it is the same way for me with Risk. For some colors, I prefer the gem style over the solid style.

I guess I need to have a post with a picture of all my dice. They are not all in one place at the moment, so I will have to defer that for a bit.

I also realized that having so many d10’s makes it easy to roll a d1,000 or a d10,000, etc. just specify which color is which digit. I know that they make custom d10,000 dice for such a thing, but I have to tone it down a bit. I’ve spent more on dice in the first two months of 2015 than I spent all of last year, and most of the three plus decades before that. That isn’t to say that I won’t buy more die this year, but I don’t have to buy them all in the first quarter.

10GreenSets 11YellowSets 12RedSets 13BlueSets 14PurpleSets 15OrangeSets 16Black-BlackSwirl-WhiteSets 04-WizDicePackage 05WizDiceDrawstringBag 06DrawstringBagAndFancySet 07DiceSortedByType 08DiceSortedByMatchedSets 09PartialSetOrangeGemDice

NOTE: Amazon Links are Affiliate Links

My First Credit In An RPG Publication

Joe Johnston published a “How To Hexcrawl” PDF geared toward Labrynth Lord. I read part of it and he mentioned me in the acknowledgements. This is not the first RPG product that I have been involved in, just the first one published. How cool is that?

You really should go out and get this, for no other reason, than I helped! Also it is PWYW, so you can get it for free and tip him later.

It is a quick and simple introduction to hex crawls and he lists resources for free existing hex maps, three sources/programs for creating your own hex maps, and the hexcrawl articles on Welshpiper, Bat in the Attic, and The Alexandrian.


As a kid I remember watching Kolchak the Night Stalker, the movies and the TV show. I don’t recall all the details, but have been watching the TV show online. I managed to find the movies from before the TV show on YouTube and watched them. If you are interested in watching these, then spoiler alert!!

The other day, I watched an episode that dealt with a rakshasa and the method of slaying them was a blessed crossbow bolt, as it is in the AD&D Monster Manual.

I found that interesting. I am not familiar with most of Indian mythology. There are times I wish I had footnotes for the source, or the inspiration used for these creatures. Until the Monster Manual, were any of these monsters from myth and legend in any single book?

I find that the Night Stalker series gets a bit repetitive, but having him be the only one or nearly the only one who gets what is going on, makes it interesting. With all the creatures he killed, what level would he be?

Going from memory, and I have not finished the series, he has killed two vampires, one werewolf, one zombie, and one rakshasa. There are other creatures, but some I don’t recall, or they do not have a creature stated. I’m not going to stat out creatures for this exercise. Assuming average hit points, I came up with 5,265 experience points which is halfway through 3rd level fighter. Since AD&D does not reward as much XP for monsters, this is reasonable. Karl never gets any treasure, and is the reluctant hero because he knows the truth and if no one is going to do anything about these creatures, then he must do it. Karl’s only reward is that he has save the city or the world.

In some shows, he does not kill the creature, but drives them off, or for the android episode, tries to help. In the electricity monster he gets people to listen, but the usual cover up, similar to the first movie with the vampire, is of no benefit to him.

So after two TV movies and one season of a TV show, I would estimate he earned the experience to be a 5th level fighter, perhaps 6th. If a thief, it would be higher. He did not use magic or pray to the gods, but did use items blessed by others, or had others bless an item. Karl does not gain in proficiency in fighting, but rather uses his mind. He is more like a sage out to do good based on his experience, knowledge, and research.

I can see how these shows can give ideas for a “modern fantasy” setting, or some variation on a science fiction or horror genre.

This show also takes me back to sitting around the TV as a family and talking about the show during the commercials. Unlike today, where it seems that everyone has their own media device and the household is in their individual media world.


I had a thought the other day about lycanthropes and demi-humans. I play AD&D and only humans are subject to lycanthrope, by the book.

After being bitten by a lycanthropic creature, there must still be some way to affect non-humans. They do not become shape-shifters, but have other effects.

I thought a neat way to torment players of demi-human characters is to tell them that their characters have strange dreams that unnerve them and disturb their sleep on the full moon. Have them wake up with a strange taste in their mouth, or that they have feathers from eating their pillow. Or blood from the rare mutton in the kitchen, but don’t tell them the blood is from the mutton. Having a grisly and unrelated murder could be fun! Make them think they are a lycanthrope, but only having the dreams one would have without the death and destruction. Of course, if they seek help from a temple, they will learn the truth, but still require some expensive or time consuming ritual to free them of the affliction.

I know some DMs that have all races subject to lycanthrope. I don’t know about other editions of D&D or other rulesets, but I like the AD&D way of handling it. Others might want it different, and that’s OK.

Perhaps have someone bitten by a wererat crave cheese, and someone bitten by a werewolf affected by fleas. One bitten by a werebear could crave honey, etc.

One Page Dungeon Contest – 2015

Last year about this time, I wrote about the 2014 One Page Dungeon Contest, and thought about an entry, but none of my ideas would gel.

I am thinking about the 2015 OPDC with just over two months until the deadline. It is a single page, what’s the big deal, right?

Well a single page requires the most bang for the buck so to speak. One needs a density of information without a density of facts. A hook that evokes ideas, and a map that gives what words cannot. I have a small degree of artistic talent, but it is not a honed or practiced talent, so my efforts are hit and miss.

A one page dungeon also screams for brevity with a conciseness that cuts to the point immediately. As is evident from many of my blog posts, I am skilled at the WALL OF TEXT. It takes effort for me to distill things to the bare essentials.

I could make a submission that is merely an entry, but I want to make a memorable entry that is a contender. Heck, who am I kidding? I want to win!

So I know I need an idea that is just novel enough and easy to convey/explain in a single page. I have some faint wisps of ideas that if I can bring them to fruition and execute them as well as I imagine them, then I have a shot.

Between now and then are my goals of the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge and a daily article on this blog between now and April 1st, and other game activities. Plus the Tenkar’s Landing Crowdsourced Sandbox Setting is now ramping up to work on the actual town of Tenkar’s Landing. I need to do my part with an idea or two.

Map Request (Challenge)

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, I posted on my G+ page a desire for the OSR mapmakers to map the Phuktal Monastery.

This picture so captured my imagination that I immediately started wishing I had a cool map and thought how and where I could work this into my campaign.

I shared the image and wrote on my G+ page:

I’d love to see how many of the OSR mapmakers interpret this. +Dyson Logos +matt jackson {Profile deleted before 2/11/2019] +Simon Forster +MonkeyBlood Design +Michael Prescott et. al.

This does remind me of a map by Dyson, but I am not placing it at the moment.

I have some ideas and am thinking where I would put this in my campaign.

+Dyson Logos went all “challenge accepted” and started drawing this.

He then posted an update.

Then, he posted a rough scan of a floor plan for a multi-level series of maps.

Next, he shared a more detailed update.

I was not expecting the immediacy with which Dyson dove in the day after my post. I must have caught him at the right time. I was not a member of his Patreon, so I decided to do my small part. I see that members of his Patreon can suggest maps, so I think it fitting that I signed up. I only wish I could afford more and sign up for all the cool map makers at the same time. Perhaps, I can give a month or two here and there to each one.

I am excited to see the conclusion of this map. I have enjoyed Dyson’s many maps and his latest megadungeon effort. I think it is cool that I am a member of the Tenkar’s Landing Crowdsourced Sandbox Setting that resulted in the island and is now moving on to designing the town of Tenkar’s Landing. Dyson drew the town back a year or two, but from what was posted the other day, he is drawing a bigger town for that effort. I have been so busy with changes at work, a convention, and preparing for my efforts at the 2015 April A to Z Blogging Challenge, that I have not had any ideas come to mind for the town.

Thanks Dyson! Very Cool!