I was going through some old game information and found a caricature of myself that I got at ConQuest 16. [I was looking for a science fiction book with information on different ships and ideas from science and TV shows and movies. I can see the cover in my mind, but don’t recall the name or author. I still can’t find it! I have moved and rearranged my home office several times over the years I have lived in this house, and didn’t find it in the box that I thought it HAD to be in…. The search continues….]

I did a search and ConQuest is still a thing and I just missed #46, so 30 years since I think was my last time there. I only went two, maybe three years in a row and that was it.
Ah, yes, from the About Page “annually on Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City, MO.” Life happens and I forgot about the specifics, I even had trouble remembering the name of the con, until I stumbled upon this caricature. It’s on a clear sheet of plastic, like for an overhead projector. It even has a sheet of white “tissue” paper to make the image show up better.
I have family in the suburbs, where I grew up, so I might put this on the radar for next year. I might be able to go with some friends I went with back in high school/college.
In checking the site, it looks like there were no “official” OSR game slots. As I recall, gaming was not as big a deal for this con. They did have an AD&D tournament that I played in one year. I remember seeing a VHS bootleg showing the Enterprise being destroyed from The Search for Spock, before it was in theaters. It was just the explosion and not good quality. We went up to this one guy’s room who had it. He showed the first episode of Dr. Who, which was like 20 or 25 minutes, then shared this one bootleg. I remember being shocked by the destruction of the Enterprise, and thinking, they can’t do that, they wouldn’t destroy it? I don’t even remember how we found out about it, just striking up a conversation, I think. I always wondered how someone who knew a guy that knew a guy, who knew a guy with access to a guy who knew somebody or something. How many of these leaks were real leaks, and how many were pre-internet astroturfing? The world may never know….