Way back in college I put together a couple of decent Halloween costumes, with a lot of help from Mom. She was always willing to help out with stuff like that. If she were still alive, I’m sure she’d help me make something.
Here, the most difficult part was the hat. It wasn’t great, but it worked. Making hats is harder than it looks. We used red felt and some sort of stiff fabric between two layers for the brim and sides. (I bet the internet has tutorials on hat making.) The vest was the fake wool lining of an old winter coat. Mom added a layer of fabric on the now inside of the vest. For a cloak, we had several stips of cloth that made a decent cloak. We found some fake snake skin for a scabbard for an old bayonet my brother added a handle to that he let me borrow. The shirt and pants were from a pattern and Mom whipped those out in no time. I don’t think I have a color picture of that costume. I have a thousand yard stare because I am very near sighted without my glasses.

For a monk’s robe we bought several yards of white muslin, and used Ritt dye to make it brown. It is not an authentic hood, it is all one piece with velcro to hold it closed at the neck and waist. I’m sure with the internet, we could have found a more authentic pattern. In the picture below, I have two of my 3 apartment mates, who were brothers. Carolyn was Curtis’ girlfriend, and they’ve been married close to 30 years.

Doctor #4
Since I like Dr. Who, and my favorite color is blue, Mom made me a scarf years ago. It is way wider and longer than Tom Baker’s scarf, and it was crocheted, instead of knitted. I used that for an impromptu costume at the office a few years ago. I already had the hat and overcoat. A pen makes a good stand in for a sonic screwdriver. A tire gauge would also work.

I think most people would put time into a once a year Halloween costume. Based on what it took to make the rogue & cleric costumes, with a lot of help from Mom, I really admire those who put so much effort into accurate costumes.