When I saw that Teespring finally had masks, I made a mask [Affiliate Link] to sell beside the T-shirt on my Teespring store [Affiliate Link].

I hope it’s a bit a humor for this horrible situation of a deadly global pandemic that feels like it will never end. We all at least probably know someone who has lost a family member to COVID-19, if not knowing someone who has had it or lost someone we know. I mean no disrespect to those in pain. I just wanted something to dress up my face covering.
I’m thinking about another design, “FUCK CANCER! Follow Me, And Die!” Instead of waiting, I went ahead and added a new T-shirt: “Cancer is the new Red Shirt. Follow Me, And Die!” [Affiliate Link] Something along those lines sounds appropriate when I go in for surgery. Well, anytime between now and then, and after.

For those who didn’t know, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the end of April. I was supposed to have surgery in July, but COVID-19 and the first lock-down put all non-emergency surgeries on hold. The backlog from that pushed my surgery to August. I just learned this yesterday. So this means I am still waiting for the phone call to schedule my surgery.
The good news about the long wait is that I am mostly over my existential dread of surgery. Now I have a fairly calm acceptance about surgery. However, I am annoyed at having to wait. I hate waiting.
So while I wait, I’m trying to get back the focus I had on creating RPG stuff on a regular basis.