If you are a fan of the cartographer and overall creative genius, Deven Rue, you may have noticed that her website rueink.com isn’t working.
This is because she changed her URL to devenrue.com. So update your bookmarks and check out her new site. Wow, did she ever make it look cool!
She also has a Patreon and her website is designed to cater to her Patrons. She offers a cartography course, and a birthday option to get cool things on your birthday. There are many other tiers each with their own rewards.
So if you like maps and props for your table, then visit her site, and support her Patreon to help her keep making cool things!
To say I’m a fan, is an understatement. I’ve enjoyed her work since before she started her Patreon, and backed her Patreon before things really took off for her after her first mention on Critical Role.