While at Gary Con, I attended a session titled, D&D Documentary Teaser and Q&A. Pat Kilbane is working on a D&D documentary. It is a third documentary totally unrelated to the other two documentaries now tied up in litigation*. There is enough about this documentary to impress me, that I decided on the spot to write up a separate article to give it the focus it deserves. In short, I will do what I can to promote it.
My new friend, +Satine Phoenix, is one of the interviewees in the three clips we were shown, and she happened to join in, as she was early for Frank Mentzer’s D&D game in the same room, following this 1 hour session.
I wish I had the foresight to record this. It was a good discussion, and my notes were only on the high points. As more comes along, I will mention it here on my blog.

The three interviews in the sneak peak were with:
- Jon Peterson, author of Playing At The World.
- Robert Walter, Executive Director of the Joseph Campbell Foundation
- +Satine Phoenix, artist and podcaster, and 21+ years as a D&D player. [Spoiler: She said yes to doing an email interview for this blog!]
So far, shooting for those on the West coast has been done. Next, while at Gary Con, he is interviewing all the old guard from the beginning to get their perspective. He filmed a session by Tim Kask on the first five years of TSR. I had the honor of asking the last question.
Rather than have yet another Kickstarter for a D&D documentary, when the previous two are tied up in litigation, Pat wants to focus on building trust with the intended audience. His idea is to do small two minute pieces as part of a Patreon to create a track record of delivering smaller bits, until there is enough trust to do some form of fundraiser, such as Kickstarter.
An example of the short videos he envisions is the Gary Con Two-Minute History video, featuring Luke Gygax explaining what Gary Con is.
You can follow Pat’s efforts on the Facebook page, Dorks of Yore.
*Full disclosure, I am in for and most likely out $50 for the second documentary’s Kickstarter, The Great Kingdom. The first film that Kickstarted is Dungeons & Dragons: A Documentary, which I missed the Kickstarter altogether. You can find details of the trials and tribulations of these two films with your google-fu. I want to stay positive and show what Pat is doing. As with most of us, I think we just want any film, that is well done, to come out while the old guard is still available.
Everytime I saw him (Pat) at Gary Con I kept thinking he looked just like the Kramer doppleganger Feldman from Seinfeld and now I find it was actually him!
Yes, lots of people recognized him. I have to admit, that I did not, as I’m not as into the shows he was in as many others. He’s a super nice guy and easy to talk to.
I loved Pat on Mad TV. He’s a funny guy.