I have a gold badge for Gary Con 10, and I got signed up right after game sign-up opened today.
I got in some of the games I wanted, but too many were at the same time as other games I signed up for, or conflicted with the games I am running. There are too many people I want to game with. I try to mix up what GMs I play with at different cons, sometimes with little success. When a seminar conflicted with a game, I chose the game. Hopefully, we can do some pickup games.
I’m looking forward to finally meeting several people from the OSR and other online venues.
I’m running games for the first time at Gary Con. Prep and polishing of my scenarios is under way. From top down, the systems are: Gang Busters (Mark Hunt’s effort), Stars Without Number Revised, and Gamma World 1e.

If you are interested, here are the games I will play. I snagged a seat to finally play Top Secret with Merle Rasmussen! I’ll also get to play with +Joseph Bloch, and finally meet him.

If you’re going to Gary Con X, please let me know so we can meet up!
*squints* Hey… that’s my Saturday night AD&D game! It’ll be great to see you again!
Yup! Looking forward to it!
Although I don’t think we can expect a roomful to make the shrieker sound on demand….