Tag Archives: ADnD

New YouTube Series: How to AD&D 1e

I have a series on my YouTube Channel, Roll20 For the Absolute Beginner. I haven’t put out a new video in the series since the Fall and I have viewers asking for more, and I have lots of ideas. I just haven’t found the time since I started publishing a monthly PDF. It’s not that there isn’t time available, I just haven’t had the energy or desire to make the time to do it.

This morning on Twitter, someone I follow, Bill Allan, asked if there were any YT series on AD&D 1e.

He Tweeted:

I started playing D&D in 1978. I haven’t played 1st edition since around 1989. Who or what channel would you recommend for tips and tutorials SPECIFICALLY geared towards 1st edition AD&D?

I then mentioned my 1st edition efforts online:

I never stopped playing 1e.
I played in a 4 1/2 year campaign on Roll20 that wrapped up last fall.
I have a game on Roll20 & a home game, both on hiatus.
1e is the system that is the focus of my blog.
Nothing specific on my YouTube channel, but I probably should make a series.

I then started musing about actually doing a series and Retweeted his tweet sharing that musing:

To which Bill replied:

Yes man! I would dig it!

Bill is a high school teacher in the Chicago area who teaches audio/visual stuff, and he had a prior career in television. He knows a ton about video creation and editing and is a member of a FB group I’m part of and it is his sharing of information, slong with that of others, that lead to the marked improvement in the quality of my videos. It’s another reason, I’m able to make a really good quality podcast if I set my mind to it and make the time.

I’ve got a rough outline for an episode 0 and ideas for various episodes percolating. I’ve started regular walking since the 1st and that’s taken a couple hours out of each day. Great for thinking & generating ideas, & catching up on podcasts. I have to reorg my office for it…. the list goes on. I have the equipment, the desire, the knowledge, and the ability to make the time, I just need my office to be presentable, or make use of a background.

I think the how to AD&D/1e/1st edition would work better as a video series since there is so much visual information to it.

I know a lot of the OSR Anchorites know AD&D either from back in the day or exposure to it via the OSR. Would that be something you are interested in? If you’re interesting, I’d like ideas for topics. I have a ton of ideas, but want to speak to what others want as a focus.

My thought it to do 2 episodes a month, alternating with my Roll 20 For the Absolute Beginner series.

I don’t have a final title for the series, but the working title is, How to AD&D 1e.

I look forward to your comments, questions, and suggestions for this series.

The key is to stay organized and keep up with the other projects I’m working on, including the preparations for the card game kickstarter

The companion podcast to this article: Episode 106 – Saturday Scrawl – YouTube Series How To AD&D 1e