Tag Archives: BLM

A Quick Update

I’m still here and kicking.

No real change from my last post. You can listen to the companion blog post here.

I have decided on surgery. I am waiting for the call to schedule it some time in July, 2020. However, things are still backed up from the halt on all non-emergency surgeries. I called to find out how long until I could schedule it and just have to wait. I’ll keep nagging them anyway, as I don’t want to drag this out. I am not a patient person for things like this and I’m climbing the walls a bit.

I’m still gaming, running my Sunday afternoon AD&D [Affiliate Link] game, playing in a B/X game on Mondays, and Wednesday, July 1st, we resume the campaign from the old AD&D [Affiliate Link] game with the same characters, but transitioned to OSE. [Affiliate Link] All of these are via Roll20.

I’m approaching 800 subscribers on YouTube and will pass 90,000 lifetime views in a couple days.

June 24th was the second anniversary of my podcast.

July 18th is the 11th anniversary of this blog.

The end of August is the second anniversary of my Patreon and my publishing efforts on DriveThruRPG.

I look forward to many more years of gaming. I especially look forward to getting surgery behind me so I can get my focus back on track.

I’ve been in a funk with the isolation and limitations of lock down/common sense to avoid being infected or spreading infection, my unexpected news about prostate cancer, and the horrid murder of a black man by police.

This has sapped my energy and seen me unfriend people on Facebook (many from high school) and lose followers on other social media. It saddens me that people can value human life and human rights so little as to want to avoid the topic because to them “it is politics.” Until the lives of people who don’t look like me (white) are valued equally, I will keep mentioning that Black Lives Matter, until we all live like they do matter, not merely change the subject with “all lives matter.” I don’t understand how some read Black Lives Matter as having the word ONLY in front of the phrase. Of course, all lives matter, but too many don’t really believe that. I won’t belabor that point here, as I know you’re here for games. I mention it since it is an important part of why my motivation is lacking. If you’re offended, you don’t have to stay.

As I said, this is a quick update about what’s up with me, and world events and my fight with cancer are the main focus of my thoughts and energy right not.

I didn’t mention party. I have views all across the political spectrum. I don’t fit a neat label. I won’t belabor the point. I just wanted to share what’s up with me, and future posts will focus on gaming.