Tag Archives: Thanks


Today in the U.S. is Thanksgiving.

Many don’t wish to celebrate because it is a to them a symbol of what the Europeans did to the indigenous Americans.

I mean no disrespect to past, current, or future Native Americans.

I think it is important to choose a day to be Thankful for who you are, your family, and what you have.

While our lives may be difficult from time to time, or all the time, if you are reading this blog post, if you play RPGs, you are among a small minority of the population. Odds are, you have a roof over your head, a safe place to sleep, enough food to eat, and live in a country that doesn’t know epidemics, disease, and war.

The poorest in the world don’t play roleplaying games because they can’t afford the basics. We are truly blessed who have an opportunity to even play RPGs, let alone a choice of multiple RPGs to choose from.

Take some time to reflect on that. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.

I am thankful for my sons and granddaughters, even though my house is a little crowded and sometimes it’s hard to get a moment to myself.

I would do almost anything for them.

I am very thankful for everyone who finds the PDFs, blog posts, tweets, and other social media posts, and podcast episodes interesting.

I have two patrons for my patreon, and I am very thankful for them.

I have callers for many podcast episodes, and I am thankful for the conversations and ideas they generate.

I am thankful for the amount of ideas being presented by all the podcasters, and that I have time to eventually listen to them. I also appreciate all the RPG bloggers and creators who share their ideas.

I am a gamer and I’m glad I live in a time when I can say that without fear of so called Christians losing their minds.

I am thankful for my skills that landed me my job of nearly 21 years. A job that provides for me and my family and leaves disposable income to pursue my hobby as a creator, backer of many Kickstarters, and attendee of several conventions.

I am thankful for the communitee of friends I have made, both in person and online, and look forward to meeting more face to face and making new ones in the years ahead.

I hope that whereever you are and whatever your particular life circumstances, that you are well, safe, sheltered, and fed, and have enough free time to game regularly.