Tag Archives: TSR

TSR Launches Multiverse

The new TSR has launched a website, Multiverse, with a focus on Analog Gaming in a Digital World. I am honored to be among the RPG bloggers asked to participate. How cool is that? I can now tell people that I work* for TSR.

This marks the third branch of the New TSR, the first is now TSR Games, that is taking the place of that magazine we won’t name, and the second is the TSR Podcast Network, so far with three podcasts.

While at Gary Con VIII, I approached +Jayson Elliot to get his autograph, because I was trying to collect all of the signatures of the guests pictured in the program. Jayson was all excited that I asked for his autograph. I mentioned that I would write about it on my blog, and he asked what my blog was called. Then he says, “Oh, I read your blog.” So now I’m the one geeking out. Then he says, “I was hoping to talk to you about something.” WHAT!?

So we find a place to talk and he shows me the in development portion of the site and explains what he is looking for. I can re-post articles from my site, or write original content on Multiverse.

Jayson says, “The two things we won’t do are mainstream comics, and video games. Our focus is Analog Gaming.”

I must say that I have learned some things that have me thinking how to re-structure the presentation of my blog and how I do some things behind the scenes. But that’s a sizable project for another day.

There’s already several articles online and more to be added daily. If there is something cool you’d like to see us discuss, PM me on G+.

*It’s not a formal position with TSR, but close enough, right?