Today I passed 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! I just put up a video to celebrate that achievement.
Tag Archives: YouTube
Why Follow ME, And Die!
For those new to my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel, I wanted to explain where Follow Me, And Die! comes from.
Back in the mid 80’s my brother, Robert, started up a new campaign while I was off at my freshman year of college. Over Thanksgiving break, I rolled up a character, Griswald, a half-elf Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User. We went through four years of game time in four days.
Over the next few years, until after grad school, we played a lot. Griswald was always going off to fight and monsters and other enemies. He would hire all the mercenaries he cold find. From the first fight he did this and for many after, he would be the last one standing, or only have a couple of mercenaries left.
One day, I said in frustration to my brother, Robert, the DM, that it wasn’t fair he couldn’t find mercenaries.
Robert quickly replied, “Well it’s like this, word has gotten out and it’s like ‘Follow Me, And Die!'” That was both true and funny.
The first time most of my mercenaries lived to see victory, it was a shock to us all. That success has repeated ever since. Not always a sure thing, but Griswald has managed to hold his own.
Choosing A Name
In 2009 when I decided to start a blog, I needed a name and “Follow Me, And Die!” was the perfect name. It expressed a truth about my favorite D&D character’s experience, and meshed perfectly with my sense of humor. What better name for a social media brand than “Follow Me, And Die!”
You can here the companion podcast here, or watch the companion YouTube video here.
Here are two older articles talking about Follow Me, And Die!
Revising Plans
I’ve gotten some unsettling news, on top of all the pandemic induced issues of the last several weeks. My last two annual physicals my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) has been elevated. Since it stayed elevated, my doctor advised I see a urologist. The urologist said if it was him, he’d have a biopsy instead of waiting.
My decision was to do the biopsy, so after a few weeks of worrying about it, I finally had the in office procedure on April 29th. While it wasn’t pleasant, it was far from as bad as I anticipated. My mindset was to not worry until I knew I had something to worry about. Just over a week later, I had a phone call from the urologist with the results. So this past Thursday, May 7th, I found out that eight of the 12 samples have cancer. They use a sliding scale with 6 the least bad and 10 the worst. Seven of the 8 samples that were positive had a score of 6, and the other a score of 7.
This means that I have a slow growing, non-aggressive form of cancer. It’s the best kind to have, as it is easily treatable. Since my prostate is basically full of cancer and is self contained, from what they can tell, it should be easily curable. The two best options are surgery for removal, or radiation. Both come with their own benefits and side effects.
Currently, I’m leaning towards the option for surgery. However, I have to have an in office visit to go into more detail on the two options so I have all the facts before making a decision. Plus, I have to wait and heal up from the biopsy first before they consider any form of treatment.
Fuck Cancer
So while I heal from the biopsy, I have time to think and plan.
My head was swimming a bit after getting the news, but I’m OK. Knowledge is power.
This is just the big bad and I found out about him and now I’m going to foil his plans and kill him. I have time to formulate an effective plan with the right team to do the job. Just like in RPGs.
Revising Plans and Looking Ahead
The reality of having a life threatening condition that will lead to a painful and shitty death if ignored definitely gets your attention. I plan to be around for a long time, but I need to wrap up loose ends so that no matter what happens, it’s less crap to worry about.
I can’t do all the bucket list things due to travel restrictions with COVID-19. I can’t go visit all my relatives and friends for the same reason. I’m thankful that my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter live with me.
So I have to work with what I’ve got. My job is secure and paying the bills. Less going out and about and the bank account is in good shape. No telling how big a hit treatment will be, so that’s good. I hope to avoid having to ask for help, but I need to hold that thought until I know just what my share will be after insurance. So I have to reduce spending and backing Kickstarters, etc.
I have enough games I’ve never played, let alone read. So I don’t know how much time I’ll have for reading and playing new games. That’s all on my radar of things to consider.
My Patreon has gone to the back burner as the whole lockdown and Gary Con going virtual and I ran a couple games for Gary Con, so I didn’t finish my March PDF. I did something totally different for April, I shared my Caverns & Cave Bears rough setting PDF along with the Simple Generic RPG that I made for any setting. I have only shared it with my patrons. I will share it with anyone who gives feedback so I can make it better. I’ll eventually have them available on DriveThruRPG [Affiliate Link].
So my Patreon got derailed by how I reacted to the chaos of lock down. I just got done with the busy season at work and was so looking forward to getting out of the house to go to Gary Con. I got into Minecraft to get my mind on something else, and I built a mountain top temple from one location in my AD&D Roll20 campaign, The Broken Lands. I am also working on another location from the same campaign, an underground temple. You can catch these on my Twitch channel since I streamed them there.
Sorry for dragging this out about my Patreon. I need to revise it to fit whatever my plans end up being to help me wrap up things and streamline for the time I need to heal up after treatment. At the moment, I don’t know what that will be.
What About The Card Game?
My final round of play testing I expected to do at Gary Con did not happen. I think where the rules are will work. My plan is to get the card layout done and just put it on DriveThru Cards [Affiliate Link]. Kickstarters are not the thing to do right now, and they take a lot of work. I’ll put it together with the public domain and other art from my test decks. My artist is still producing art, but has a lot more pieces to finish before I can use that art. I can use the funds generated on DriveThru Cards [Affiliate Link] to help fund finishing the art, in case treatment eats up my savings. I should have enough in my business account to cover it, so I’m not worried about that. Once I have all the custom art pieces, I can think about a Kickstarter. But there is no way I have the time, energy, or the mental or emotional oomph to run a Kickstarter right now.
Running & Playing Games
I just re-started my AD&D [Affiliate Link] campaign on Roll20. I plan to keep going and will only stop when treatment and recovery prevent me from running a session. I will have plenty of time to think and plan leading up to that point, and during recovery.
The Monday night B/X game [Affiliate Link] and Wednesday night Stars Without Number [Affiliate Link]game on Roll20 will get by without me for any time I am down. I intend to keep playing in both.
I may do a special weekend of running games I’d like to play, maybe for Memorial Day. Maybe I can get my brother to run a game online with the old gang. That would be a hoot.
Podcasting, YouTube, & Twitch
I will continue to podcast as I have topics I think are worth sharing. I will keep making YouTube videos about Roll20 and other things. I will keep streaming Minecraft and other things on Twitch.
I can make a quick update and post online following any treatment to give a heads up on making it through the treatment (surgery).
Other Plans
I’ve been trying to downsize all the stuff I have with the long term goal of my sons not being left with a bunch of stuff they don’t know what to do with it. Everyone should do that so their loved ones don’t have to. It’s been on my to do list for years, and it feels like I’ve only scratched the surface. I want to wrap up the things on my list of home projects, at least the ones involving organizing things, so I don’t have to look at them and be tempted to overdo it during recovery.
I also really need to do a will. Not to be morbid, but one never knows. I had a severe car accident 27 years ago, and that could have been it. I’ve got enough life insurance to pay off my mortgage, truck, and other debts with some left over. Plus my pension. It’s more than my parents were able to leave to my siblings and me.
I want to cover all the bases I can and do all that I realistically can to leave things as organized as possible to minimize my stress when stuck sitting or paying around for recovery. My brain will insist on thinking and worrying about stupid shit that doesn’t matter, so no matter how well I prepare, I’ll still have that to deal with. But maybe I can short circuit it a bit.
I want to thank everyone who has messaged me words of support and encouragement. Those mean more to me than you can ever know. I plan to beat this thing. Cancer is one of those things for which I had a fear. Mostly about it being too late to do anything about it, or being the kinds few survive. So I’m not as affected as I would otherwise be. I’m now worried about the side effects of whatever treatment I choose. There may be none. I know I’ve internalized some of my stress, as I’ve snapped a bit at family. So I know it will be a challenge to be the positive and encouraging person I try to be. I plan to be around a long time.
How To Stream With OBS
I mentioned online that I finally figured out how to stream and that it isn’t difficult, there’s just a lot of moving parts. I had one person ask me to share what I know. You can see the companion YouTube video here.
First, let me be clear that I am not an expert and have only live streamed on Twitch a half dozen times at most, and never for more than a few minutes until today, when I streamed for an hour. I recorded three new episodes for my YouTube series, Roll20 For The Absolute Beginner.
It was not the best looking stream, nor the best sounding. Proper lighting and audio are two entirely different topics for which I am not the best example. I figured out how to make it work, I didn’t say I do it well. As with anything, practice and familiarity, plus an effort to improve will yield results.
In my experience, you want to use OBS, Open Broadcaster Software. It is open source freeware that is quite sophisticated and can handle both recording your screen, or your webcam, or both, plus the webcams of others.
I have long wanted to record games I run online. Mostly for playback to analyze my GMing or to record how I explained something because I really liked how I said it, but can’t recall the specific words from memory. But getting the audio from other players to record at a volume one can easily hear always seemed always to be missing a step.
Between a combination of a few different videos and my own trial and error, I finally hit on the right formula to record the audio of another person from an online meeting software. This also allowed me to make sense of how to get the right hardware settings on my PC and get the right results for recording a small overlay with my webcam displayed over my web browser displaying Roll20 or other browser window.
I recorded about a half dozen short videos and played them back until I got the sound right. For me, I found that using the headset speakers and microphone prevented the microphone from picking up the sound from external speakers and causing an echo. There is probably a way to do sound so that it doesn’t cause an issue between all the pieces, but this was a solo operating for me to do streaming.
The same settings that allow me to stream a browser tab will also let me stream a video game. Again, none of this is hard, it is just a matter of figuring out the right combination of hardware settings and settings in OBS to get the results you want. Once you get it working, improving the lighting and sound is the next natural progression. There is a lot of information online about those topics which are beyond the current scope.
The hardware settings are going to vary by Operating System. Windows 7 is now outdated and no longer updated by Microsoft. Windows 10 is different in how you get at the hardware than Win7. Linux may vary on the GUI controls that are available with different window managers, or the command line. MAC OS, since it is a UNIX variant, should have both a GUI and command line option for configuring sound and microphones.
Once you have the hardware defaults set correctly, you can use the settings in OBS. OBS can rely on the default speakers and microphone, or you can specify the exact one of each you wish to use.
One can live stream a game or other activity to Twitch, YouTube, or other streaming service.
One can also use it to simultaneously record for editing and uploading to YouTube or other VOD (Video On Demand) service.
Obviously, this means that one can also either stream and not record it, or record it and not live stream it.
If you want to live stream an RPG, I recommend the three videos that Jacob Noorman of the Mini Terrain Domain YouTube channel put together.
Zoom is an online conferencing service that has a free option that is unlimited for 2 people and limited to 40 minutes for 3 to 100 people. There are two tiers of paid service that allow hours of use. Only one person, the host, needs a paid account. One could just as easily use Skype or other similar service.
How to Stream D&D and Other RPGs using OBS & Zoom
- Download OBS (free, open source):
- Download Virtual Cam plugin for OBS (free download):
- Download Zoom (free download, paid premium features):
How to Make Overlays and Stream Assets (Part 1)
How to Make Overlays and Stream Assets (Part 2)
New YouTube Series: How to AD&D 1e
I have a series on my YouTube Channel, Roll20 For the Absolute Beginner. I haven’t put out a new video in the series since the Fall and I have viewers asking for more, and I have lots of ideas. I just haven’t found the time since I started publishing a monthly PDF. It’s not that there isn’t time available, I just haven’t had the energy or desire to make the time to do it.
This morning on Twitter, someone I follow, Bill Allan, asked if there were any YT series on AD&D 1e.
He Tweeted:
I started playing D&D in 1978. I haven’t played 1st edition since around 1989. Who or what channel would you recommend for tips and tutorials SPECIFICALLY geared towards 1st edition AD&D?
I then mentioned my 1st edition efforts online:
I never stopped playing 1e.
I played in a 4 1/2 year campaign on Roll20 that wrapped up last fall.
I have a game on Roll20 & a home game, both on hiatus.
1e is the system that is the focus of my blog.
Nothing specific on my YouTube channel, but I probably should make a series.
I then started musing about actually doing a series and Retweeted his tweet sharing that musing:
To which Bill replied:
Yes man! I would dig it!
Bill is a high school teacher in the Chicago area who teaches audio/visual stuff, and he had a prior career in television. He knows a ton about video creation and editing and is a member of a FB group I’m part of and it is his sharing of information, slong with that of others, that lead to the marked improvement in the quality of my videos. It’s another reason, I’m able to make a really good quality podcast if I set my mind to it and make the time.
I’ve got a rough outline for an episode 0 and ideas for various episodes percolating. I’ve started regular walking since the 1st and that’s taken a couple hours out of each day. Great for thinking & generating ideas, & catching up on podcasts. I have to reorg my office for it…. the list goes on. I have the equipment, the desire, the knowledge, and the ability to make the time, I just need my office to be presentable, or make use of a background.
I think the how to AD&D/1e/1st edition would work better as a video series since there is so much visual information to it.
I know a lot of the OSR Anchorites know AD&D either from back in the day or exposure to it via the OSR. Would that be something you are interested in? If you’re interesting, I’d like ideas for topics. I have a ton of ideas, but want to speak to what others want as a focus.
My thought it to do 2 episodes a month, alternating with my Roll 20 For the Absolute Beginner series.
I don’t have a final title for the series, but the working title is, How to AD&D 1e.
I look forward to your comments, questions, and suggestions for this series.
The key is to stay organized and keep up with the other projects I’m working on, including the preparations for the card game kickstarter…
The companion podcast to this article: Episode 106 – Saturday Scrawl – YouTube Series How To AD&D 1e
YouTube 100 Subscriber Contest
I decided to get serious with YouTube, and made some strides forward. Now that I’ve reached 100 subscribers, I doing a contest to giveaway a new T-shirt design to three lucky winners. (I also reached 400 followers on Twitter!)
Comment below with a topic you’d like to see me cover on the blog.
Follow Me And Die 100 Subscriber T-Shirt Giveaway
RPG Community Spotlight
I have slowly been dipping my toes into YouTube as another creative outlet for my RPG ideas. Like most, I have been a long time subscriber to various channels that interest me. Today, I’d like to focus on highlighting four RPG related YouTube channels and what they have to offer. If you are not already following them, check them out and see if their content is useful to you. I have a companion YouTube video here.
Bill Allan

Bill Allan covers a variety of RPG topics, from cons to building terrain. He has a background in television and video production, so he makes high quality videos. His skills led him to take the lead in the live feed of the Maze Arcana events at Gen Con 50. Bill is also very helpful in sharing his knowledge so other You Tubers can improve their videos.
His various videos from Gen Con 50 were very cool for those like me, who weren’t there. Being able to see a bit of the museum showing the history of Gen Con and RPGs and other table top games was very interesting and satisfying.
Here he discusses how to run monsters in RPGs. A few helpful hints, and perhaps a few you haven’t thought of.
You can find Bill on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Vimeo.
7D System

Gareth Q. Barrett has two channels, I’ll focus on 7D System today. The focus for this channel is Gareth’s 7D System, but there is a lot of system agnostic content here. He produces high quality videos with music and all the fancy things one comes to expect from a YouTube video. He is also very generous in his sharing of tips to help YouTube newcomers improve their own videos. There are a lot of ideas and insights here.
He is a talented artist, and produces some impressive drawings on camera. Check out his Monsters for RPG Games playlist.
Gareth likes to mix things up so you never know what manner of speaking you’ll find from him. I really like his video on minor changes to the way you speak to help roleplay different characters – Acting and Voice Acting.
You can find Gareth and 7D System on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and G+.
Questing Beast

Ben Milton is a regular and prolific producer of quality content on multiple internet outlets. He has done a lot of reviews of games and modules. Actual books are presented onscreen and their pros and cons are highlighted.
He has also developed his own simple and free RPG in the OSR minimalist style, called Maze Rats, available as PWYW. He has a love for the OSR and it shows in his posts and videos.
As a school teacher, he works with kids in an after-school RPG program, playing in the old school style. He shares his experience and how the kids learn and evolve through play.
Ben is a talented artist and has done some cool maps and has videos showing how he does particular map features. He also does maps for commissions.
Recently, he started interviewing other creators on YouTube in a series called Old School Academy. His first guest was Zak Smith [Former Link:]. [UPDATE: This video was removed on or about February 10, 2019, due to this post on FaceBook.]
He is very active on OSR topics on Reddit, G+, and Facebook.
You can find him here: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and G+, Art Station for his maps, Tumblr, and his blog. He also has a Patreon.

Nate Vanderzee has a broad spectrum of RPG videos on his channel. One series is on teaching people how to play D&D 5e from scratch. He assumes zero roleplaying experience, and no familiarity with the rules. His strong onscreen presence reassures the viewer that he knows his stuff.
As with anyone teaching something new to others, he assumes no prior knowledge. Many of his videos can be applicable to teaching the basics of any RPG.
Nate also draws maps, has unboxing videos, reviews, DM & player tips, miniatures & crafts, and shares about video games. He also does maps on commission and has a regular map drawing livestream. He has the site Sellsword Maps if you want to see examples of his work.
You can find him here: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and G+, and his blog. He also has a Patreon.
I want to make a quick shout out to Jorphdan (the ph is silent) for mentioning me in his YouTube video spotlight.
Jorphdan has a channel dedicated to the lore of the Forgotten Realms. His intro video is hilarious and sets the tone for what you can find there.
His other series are about D&D Cosmology (the planes of existence), a vlog and campaign diary, and live play.
You can find him here: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and G+.
+Matt Finch has launched a new project, Old School Gamer Radio, a just completed Kickstarter, with the YouTube Channel, Uncle Matt’s D&D Studio. His earlier series on the OGL is a must see for anyone publishing under the OGL.
Cody Lewis of Taking20 has a fast growing channel. His start was showing people how to get the most of Roll20. He has branched out into all kinds of efforts this year. I wrote about his channel here, and reviewed a 5e module he co-wrote here. Cody is a welcoming and generous supporter of all RPG creators.
Matt Collville has a fantastic channel. He is focused on getting more people into the DM seat. While I don’t agree with everything he says, I have picked up something from each of his videos. I first wrote about him here. Matt has not enabled ads on his fast growing channel, but he funds it with the sales of his fantasy novel series. I recommend his novels. I still need to write up reviews of them.
There are more RPG related YT channels than I could practically cover in one article. Here is a quick list of some you might want to check out.
unMadeGaming Also on Twitch.
Encounter Roleplay Also on Twitch.
You can view the companion video on my channel here:
New Trailer For You Tube Channel
I had a lot of fun making a new trailer for my You Tube channel.
Some silliness and simple special effects make for a fun little short.
I hope it brings a smile to your face.